BNR Dance Company

Dance Accreditation Testing
The BNR Dance Company offers dance accreditation opportunities for students ages 10 and up.
Since we are a performance company, accreditation allows dancers to be able to list and quantify their achievements for future college applications, resumes, and the like.
Dancers are not required to participate in this program, and there are no testing fees.
Testing is held four times per year during regular scheduled classes:
November, February, May, August
Dancers have three categories in which to be tested:
Compulsory, Freestyle, and Choreography
In each category there are three levels to achieve:
Bronze, Silver, Gold
Bronze - 10 elements Silver - 20 elements Gold - 32 elements
Dancers must test Compulsory Elements first for each level.
i.e. A dancer at the Bronze level in Compulsory cannot test beyond bronze in the other categories until they do so in the Compulsory category first.
In the links below you will find our Five Basic Ballet Positions, 32 Compulsory Dance Element List, and a sample of the accreditation testing sheet.